2025 Membership
We can’t wait for you to join
the food, fun, and community
that is the Community Farm of Ann Arbor!
To become a 2025 member,
please complete all items and submit the form,
along with your full or partial payment.

Pay online: Stripe Online Payments
We’d greatly appreciate it if you could add a donation of 3% to cover the cost of online payments!
Pay by check: Make checks payable to: The Community Farm of Ann Arbor
Mail payment P.O. Box 8353, Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8353
In exchange for your share purchase, you will receive a share of the produce grown by the farm during the growing
season – often a weekly distribution of fruits and vegetables (and sometimes eggs, meat, milk, etc). You’ll
learn about the seasonality of our local crops and get to know some new fruits and vegetables along the way.
And you’ll share in the risks and rewards of the season (a rough year for the eggplant might yield a bumper crop of broccoli).
Shares are available for pickup on Wednesdays and Saturdays, noon to 3 pm.
Most importantly, you’ll join with our farmers and other members in a supportive and celebratory community, collaboratively participating in the kinds of agriculture – and value systems – you’d like to see continued.
Thank you!

Farm Location: 1525 S Fletcher Rd., Chelsea, MI 48118
Email: communityfarminfo@gmail.com
Telephone: 734-475-7451
Website: https://www.communityfarmofannarbor.com/