Farm News

  • We had a big hay yield from our first cut.
  • Members are picking up yummy veggies, herbs and flowers on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
  • Running solar pump so bees have water- is amazing how well that pump works – all hives in activity look strong and large.
  • Using electric tractor to pull manure spreader.
  • New member handbook is in process.
  • We’re receiving donations for shares for our low-income and unhoused neighbors.
  • Terry has been hard at work re-routing the electric wires for the fences to conduit on the outside of the barn (rather than in the midst of the hay storage area).  He also fixed the front end loader so that it actually dumps its load.
  • Rebecca and Nigel have continued the garden mulching.   Clearing the stalls so they can be made nice for the winter and mulching the garden area to cut down on weeds and add fertility is the big important project right now.  Next Saturday will be the big push to get it done.  There is work for all strengths.  Please help if you can.
  • Mark A has led us in stirring and applying horn manure to the garden and other growing areas, and in putting the biodynamic preparations into all the compost and manure piles, so that we will have some good compost for next season.
  • Mark S has been gathering all the irrigation equipment, and cleaning and clearing in many areas
  • Carolyn and Steve have been gathering cardboard and preparing it for the mulching.
  • Rebecca, Lucia, and Carolyn got a bed and a half of garlic planted.  This is intended mostly to produce good seed garlic for the following year, though there will be garlic scapes and a little garlic to distribute.
  • Hanna turned beautiful photos of the farm into cards with envelopes, and made up packets of calendula seeds and dried herbs from the farm to distribute to friends of the farm—any donations will go to support the farm.
  • It’s time to put the garden to bed for the season, and get all the tools and machinery cleaned and oiled and put in the right places.
  • There is still a lot of work to be done in figuring out how the farm can work next season.  Lucia, Linda T, Carolyn, Abby, and Peter have been working diligently on this, but there is still a lot to do.  Is there any way you might be able to help with this?
  • The greenhouse will not be ready to grow plants in the spring.  We decided to put money in the budget to work toward having it ready for the following year, and we will do some combination of buying seedlings and starting our own (with everyone who can starting a few in their own home) in the spring.
  • Denny Trinkle, a local farmer, has been very helpful in figuring out how to feed the animals well this winter at minimal cost.
  • The dried beans grown on the farm the year before and shelled by many this year are being distributed at this meeting.